Tips, tricks, and ideas to reference for a simpler, stress-free life
Exploring conscious consumerism
Becoming more aware of what we purchase can help simplify our lives, ensuring that the things we bring into our homes truly serve a purpose…
Start fresh in the new year
The New Year brings an invitation to clear out the old, make space for the new, and focus on what truly matters…
Create calm amidst the holiday chaos
A few tips for nurturing simplicity and peace at home this holiday season…
Embracing change
I'm excited (and a little terrified) to embark on the biggest change of my life. Rhys and I have an opportunity to make a lifelong dream come true by living in Valencia, Spain for a year ... and we're taking it!...
Have you scanned your printed photos?
I'm feeling super stoked about finishing up a project that I had put off for YEARS (seriously, I procrastinated for more than 10 years) - sorting, scanning, and digitizing my printed photographs. It was a daunting project with multiple steps, plus many hours of research and lots of focus and motivation. After scanning 1,223 photos, I learned a thing or two along the way...
Are you too busy to read this?
We're in the midst of derby parties, graduation celebrations, Mother's Day gatherings, festivals, and cookouts. Along with these joys come allergies, rain showers, and the seasonal swap-out of our wardrobes. It can feel like a whirlwind for many of us, with so much happening all at once…
How are you showing up for yourself?
My health has taken much of my focus and attention for the past couple of years due to ongoing health issues. I've needed to show up for myself because feeling better has been my #1 priority…
Is your home peaceful?
Decluttering is transformative! It's like magic fairy dust. When you get rid of the things that get in the way of your daily life and cause stress, you feel lighter and calmer.
How are you celebrating your accomplishments?
With the end of the year quickly approaching, have you made time to reflect on your year's successes? Often we're racing around from one thing to the next and we don't stop to consider what is happening in our lives and what we've done to get us where we are…
What have you done for YOU lately?
As the holiday season ramps up and your calendar overflows with activities and commitments, it’s easy to let your maintenance routines fall by the wayside. However, prioritizing your health and well-being is critical during these busy times.
Letting go can be beautiful
Now’s a great time to take a cue from nature by letting go of the excess stuff that’s taking up space in your home and potentially weighing heavy on your mind. The benefits are tremendous - clearing physical space helps to relieve anxiety and stress, boost your mood, and provide focus.
My lived-in home
When a person asks me what I do for a living and I tell them I’m a professional organizer, often they’ll comment, “Your place must be SO ORGANIZED! Do you put labels on everything?”
Living in 500 square feet
My significant other and I used to live in a 500-square-foot apartment above a two-car garage. Five hundred square feet may not sound like a lot of space, but it felt spacious to us.
Does it fit?
Battling with one’s weight is a common cause of stress and clutter. Having a closet filled with a combination of clothing that fits and clothing that doesn't can lead to major overwhelm.
Break free from the stuff
Researchers at the Center on Everyday Lives and Families (CELF) at UCLA discovered a link between clutter and depression. They found that the more stuff in a home, the more stress female homeowners feel. They also found that women associate a neat and tidy home with a happy and successful family.
A simplified wardrobe
I’ve read that the more decisions you make in the day, the weaker your decision-making ability becomes. Based on this information, the more you can simplify certain areas of your life, the better.
Making space
Empty space can cause discomfort in some folks - some people think it feels scary or vacuous. An empty space CAN feel scary, but it can also be an opportunity for growth.
Do you remember as a child lying in the grass without a care in the world as you watched the clouds float by?
Slow down
We live in a fast-paced world. Smartphones offer instant information at a touch of our fingertips; an entire “meal” (and I use that word very loosely, by the way) can be had in a matter of seconds at fast food restaurants around the world; working faster is exulted in the workplace; "Life in the Fast Lane" is more than just an Eagles song from the 70s; and Joey Chestnut continues to dominate the world of competitive (i.e. fast) hot dog eating contests.
Hello 2023
As another year comes to a close and a new one begins, now's the perfect time to reflect on your highlights and successes from 2022, while also looking toward your goals for 2023.
Start your journey
Choose clarity over clutter and fall in love with your home