My lived-in home

Many people assume that being organized means perpetually Pinterest-ready rooms filled with perfectly spaced, perfectly placed, and perfectly labeled organizing containers throughout one’s home.

In reality, living in a super-duper-hyper-organized home is a standard that few people ever achieve. It’s difficult to maintain that level of perfection because, well, life happens.

In my opinion, trying to be super-duper-hyper-organized is S-T-R-E-S-S-F-U-L and unsustainable.

So when people ask me what I do for a living and I tell them I'm a professional organizer, some respond with, "Your place must be SO ORGANIZED! Do you put labels on EVERYTHING?”

My response usually surprises them.

I tell them my home is organized enough, but it’s definitely not overly organized. And no, I don’t have labels on everything.

My wife and I have general areas and “homes” for our things, but we don’t have a lot of labeled containers because we don’t have enough stuff to put in them. We value spending time together over accumulating and managing a bunch of things. We own less and therefore have less overall to organize and maintain.

Our home is comfortable and relaxed, but it’s definitely not perfect. Our home is lived-in.

Living in a smaller space helps to keep us in check too because there’s just not much room to keep a bunch of stuff. Editing is critical and it’s something we do on a regular basis.

Instead of trying to achieve perfection, focus instead on making your space comfortable. Organization and order needn’t be so rigid and unattainable.

Take it from someone who knows.

If you need help editing and creating order, please reach out. I would be honored to assist.


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Living in 500 square feet