Living in 500 square feet
My significant other and I used to live in a 500-square-foot apartment above a two-car garage. Five hundred square feet may not sound like a lot of space, but it felt spacious to us. (Now we live in a “massive” 692-square-foot condo!)
Our little garage/treehouse space was quite perfect, actually. It never felt crowded or cramped or cluttered because we chose to be very deliberate about our stuff, keeping only the items we used and loved.
Before we bought something new, we had to be sure it would fit into our space. We also followed the one in-one out rule - if one of us got a new shirt, for example, they would have to let go of another shirt so the new shirt could take its place.
Living in a small space can be tricky, but keep in mind you are in control what and how much you bring into the space. Less really can be more.