Does it fit?

Battling with one’s weight is a common cause of stress and clutter. Having a closet filled with a combination of clothing that fits and clothing that doesn't can lead to major overwhelm.

Some of my clients have either gained or lost weight in the past six months to a year and they feel the need to hold onto the clothing that no longer fits them.

Intellectually, they understand that keeping two separate wardrobes - the one that currently fits and the one that doesn’t - means they’ve got twice as many clothes in their closet as they need.

By keeping all of those clothes that don’t fit, they’re adding to the frustration and stress of an overflowing closet.

If a client loses a bunch of weight, her clothing may be out of style by the time she’s able to fit into it anyway. Plus, she’ll likely want to buy a new pair of jeans to celebrate, not dust off the pair she bought several years ago.

Here’s to making space for what fits in your life now, my friends!


Living in 500 square feet


Break free from the stuff