Tips, tricks, and ideas to reference for a simpler, stress-free life
Start fresh in the new year
The New Year brings an invitation to clear out the old, make space for the new, and focus on what truly matters…
Embracing change
I'm excited (and a little terrified) to embark on the biggest change of my life. Rhys and I have an opportunity to make a lifelong dream come true by living in Valencia, Spain for a year ... and we're taking it!...
Are you too busy to read this?
We're in the midst of derby parties, graduation celebrations, Mother's Day gatherings, festivals, and cookouts. Along with these joys come allergies, rain showers, and the seasonal swap-out of our wardrobes. It can feel like a whirlwind for many of us, with so much happening all at once…
Is your home peaceful?
Decluttering is transformative! It's like magic fairy dust. When you get rid of the things that get in the way of your daily life and cause stress, you feel lighter and calmer.
Letting go can be beautiful
Now’s a great time to take a cue from nature by letting go of the excess stuff that’s taking up space in your home and potentially weighing heavy on your mind. The benefits are tremendous - clearing physical space helps to relieve anxiety and stress, boost your mood, and provide focus.
Does it fit?
Battling with one’s weight is a common cause of stress and clutter. Having a closet filled with a combination of clothing that fits and clothing that doesn't can lead to major overwhelm.
Making space
Empty space can cause discomfort in some folks - some people think it feels scary or vacuous. An empty space CAN feel scary, but it can also be an opportunity for growth.
“I might need this someday”
“I might need this someday.” This is a common remark I hear from clients and my job is to help them figure out what they want and need in their life and let go of those items that no longer serve them.
Feeling stuck?
We're halfway through 2022. How is your year going so far? Are you where you thought you would be, or are you feeling a bit stuck?
How do you feel?
One question I often ask my clients when sorting and purging their clothing is, "how do you feel when you wear this?" Their initial reaction is usually a good indicator of their feelings about the item.
Daisy-ed and confused
One of my clients loves daisies. And once her family and friends discovered that she loves daisies, they started giving her gifts with daisies on them - everything from daisy earrings to daisy mittens and daisy towels.
Why ask why?
Let's say you've decided to tackle a decluttering project. You’re feeling ready to pare down and purge things that you no longer need and use. Yay for you!
Does your home feel overstuffed?
Having too much stuff in your home can feel similar to eating too much. In the moment, your favorite foods may taste delicious, but when you overindulge, you likely feel overstuffed, uncomfortable, and regretful afterward.
Have you ever felt stuck in “indecision land”?
Deciding what to keep vs. what to donate can cause analysis paralysis. In order to continue working toward your decluttering goal, try following the advice of William Morris, a 19th-century designer, poet, and artist: “Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be beautiful or believe to be useful.”
Clear your countertops to clear your mind
The anxiety and stress that clutter causes can negatively impact our mental health and well-being. When things at home are chaotic, it’s difficult to concentrate and focus.
Live Light tip #1: Tend to the resistance
During the process of sorting and purging, your mind may work against you. Thoughts like “I don’t know how to do this,” “this is hard,” “I want this done now,” “I’m so overwhelmed,” and “I give up” can quickly hijack the project, leaving you feeling frustrated and defeated.
Five questions to ask if you’re not sleeping well
Sleep is critical for our emotional, mental and physical well-being. In fact, a study from the University of California-Berkley showed that just one night's loss of sleep produced a 30% rise in anxiety levels compared with how the participants reported feeling the night before.
Try a MAJOR closet purge
Does this scenario sounds familiar? Your alarm startles you out of bed. You drag yourself into the shower with hopes of becoming more alert. When finished, you stand in front of your clothes hoping a stylish, fashionable outfit will jump out of the closet and onto your body. When you realize this is an impossible feat, you rifle through the enormous pile of clothing on the floor in search of something...anything...that's clean and unwrinkled that you can throw together in a hurry so you're not THAT late for work.
I used to be…
When we keep bringing items into our home without releasing anything, our homes become bloated and stagnated. Let's consider previous hobbies or previous roles we used to play.
“I’m never going shopping again!”
I’ve been working with a client who has lived with her husband in their 2000 square foot home for the past 25 or so years. Career pursuits and busy lives meant that home organization fell to the bottom of the list for years and years, but now they’re ready to purge what they don’t want any longer and organize the rest.
Start your journey
Choose clarity over clutter and fall in love with your home