Letting go can be beautiful

Photo credit: iStockphoto.com/Kuzma

With less than 100 days remaining in 2023 and multiple holidays fast approaching, how are you feeling about the state of your home?

Now’s a great time to take a cue from nature by letting go of the excess stuff that’s taking up space in your home and potentially weighing heavy on your mind. The benefits are tremendous - clearing physical space helps to relieve anxiety and stress, boost your mood, and provide focus.

If you spend just 10-15 minutes each day reviewing and editing areas of your home, you’ll keep clutter at bay and it’ll be easier to assess what you have, what you might need, and, most importantly, what you don’t need.

As you tackle your bathroom counter, you might discover products you don’t use - like that foundation that caused your skin to break out or the moisturizer with a strong smell that gave you a headache. You might also find empty containers or bottles that need to be recycled. Clearing your counter of anything unnecessary and unneeded is such a great way to create an open, clear, clean, functional space that also gives your eyes a place to rest.

Your dining table might be piled high with unread mail, several packages that need to go to the UPS Store, half-melted-with-drips-on-the-table tapered set of candles, a random sock and three t-shirts, two Jolly Ranchers, 28 cents, a crumpled up ten dollar bill, more receipts than you can shake a stick at, several plasticware and napkin sets, packets of salt, pepper, and ketchup from last night’s take-out run, plus a vase full of dead flowers from your birthday three months ago, a hanger, and a broken necklace. Imagine having a clear dining table where you and your family gather for dinner each evening.

When you let go of the things that are getting in your way, cluttering your home, and causing you stress, you not only open up space in your home but also restore order and functionality to spaces that serve you and your family.

Simplicity wins, every time.


What have you done for YOU lately?


My lived-in home