How are you celebrating your accomplishments?

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With the end of the year quickly approaching, have you made time to reflect on your year's successes? Often we're racing around from one thing to the next and we don't stop to consider what is happening in our lives and what we've done to get us where we are.

What are you proud of accomplishing this year? What went well (or what is going well)?

Reflection can also help turn your focus toward the future and create next year's goals as well. As you reflect on the past and look to the future, what do you want to achieve this coming year? What needs your focus? 

I like to reflect on these areas:

  • Finances, relationships, health, creativity, home, physical activity, self-care, work/business

Take it to the next level by writing down your reflections and goals. The benefits are plentiful:

  • The physical act of writing things down creates new connections in your brain

  • Gives you a better chance of actually accomplishing your goals

  • Unburdens the brain so you are not required to remember them

  • Provides focus

  • Helpful to have a written record to review regularly

This doesn't have to be anything fancy or formal - it's just a way for you to remind yourself of good things, big and small, that you've made a reality in your life - because we all need to celebrate how amazing we are. Plus, a written plan is a helpful roadmap and guide for the upcoming year.

Pour yourself a cup of coffee or tea, find a quiet place to sit, and grab a notepad or journal and pen. Celebrate where you are and how far you've come, and get excited about what's next in your life. You're worth it.

Wishing you simplicity, good health, and tons of moments to celebrate in 2024, my friends.


Is your home peaceful?


What have you done for YOU lately?