A simplified wardrobe
iStock.com/Phiromya Intawongpan
I’ve read that the more decisions you make in the day, the weaker your decision-making ability becomes. Based on this information, the more you can simplify certain areas of your life, the better.
Every morning, you have to decide what you’re going to wear that day (unless you’re super-organized and have chosen your outfit the night before - if this is you, you get a gold star). So it goes, the more clothing in your closet, the more challenging the decision.
Paring down your wardrobe to include only those items that make you feel amazing and beautiful is a great way to simplify your closet and your decisions. Also, the more items you can mix and match, the better. For example, my wardrobe consists mainly of black and white items, with a splash of magenta here and there. Pretty much everything works with everything else.
Mix and match + less clothing = easier decision about what to wear = more decision-making power for the rest of the day.
It’s a formula that works for me!