Tips, tricks, and ideas to reference for a simpler, stress-free life
Take a moment
Our lives are complicated. We’ve got a million things going on and our minds are being pulled in a million different directions. We’re stressed out and exhausted.
Ready for fall, y’all?
Now's the time to swap those warm-weather tank tops for comfy, cozy sweaters. While you're at it, it's a good time to assess which items of clothing you actually wore this season and which items stayed hidden away in your closet or drawer. And, as you review, stay curious and have fun.
“I might need this someday”
“I might need this someday.” This is a common remark I hear from clients and my job is to help them figure out what they want and need in their life and let go of those items that no longer serve them.
Feeling stuck?
We're halfway through 2022. How is your year going so far? Are you where you thought you would be, or are you feeling a bit stuck?
How do you feel?
One question I often ask my clients when sorting and purging their clothing is, "how do you feel when you wear this?" Their initial reaction is usually a good indicator of their feelings about the item.
A pared-down book collection
One of my earliest childhood memories is visiting the library with my mom. As an avid reader, my mom passed down her love of books and reading to me.
Home reflects life
I find that my home is a reflection of my life. If my space is cluttered and disorganized, I feel scattered and disorganized (yes, this happens from time to time!).
Daisy-ed and confused
One of my clients loves daisies. And once her family and friends discovered that she loves daisies, they started giving her gifts with daisies on them - everything from daisy earrings to daisy mittens and daisy towels.
Want to love your home?
I love to be at home. My home is a sanctuary and retreat from the stressors of everyday life. It's a source of comfort, calm, and peace, and it's my favorite place to be. I feel incredibly lucky and grateful to live in a space that brings me joy and supports me and my life.
Finding focus in 2022
I don't know about you, but I've been feeling quite scattered lately. As 2021 comes to a close and we cautiously enter the third year of a global pandemic (which has tested our resolve and patience beyond limits we ever imagined), I've found my ability to focus has waned.
Why ask why?
Let's say you've decided to tackle a decluttering project. You’re feeling ready to pare down and purge things that you no longer need and use. Yay for you!
Does your home feel overstuffed?
Having too much stuff in your home can feel similar to eating too much. In the moment, your favorite foods may taste delicious, but when you overindulge, you likely feel overstuffed, uncomfortable, and regretful afterward.
Have you ever felt stuck in “indecision land”?
Deciding what to keep vs. what to donate can cause analysis paralysis. In order to continue working toward your decluttering goal, try following the advice of William Morris, a 19th-century designer, poet, and artist: “Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be beautiful or believe to be useful.”
Clear your countertops to clear your mind
The anxiety and stress that clutter causes can negatively impact our mental health and well-being. When things at home are chaotic, it’s difficult to concentrate and focus.
Successes from Live Light in Your Home
I recently wrapped up an amazing month with attendees of my Live Light in Your Home - January 2021 online class. What an honor and a privilege it was to collaborate with them and help them on their journey to lighten up their homes and their lives.
Live Light tip #3: Create a vision board
Block off a chunk of time (15 minutes, 30 minutes, or an hour, if you can) with no interruptions and no screens. Find a quiet space where you can spend time with your thoughts and imagination.
Live Light tip #2: Time for action, not procrastination
Do you tend to put off taking care of regular, everyday tasks - like cleaning the kitchen maybe? Sometimes an honest evaluation of the time and effort it actually takes can move you toward action instead of procrastination.
Live Light tip #1: Tend to the resistance
During the process of sorting and purging, your mind may work against you. Thoughts like “I don’t know how to do this,” “this is hard,” “I want this done now,” “I’m so overwhelmed,” and “I give up” can quickly hijack the project, leaving you feeling frustrated and defeated.
Live Light in 2021
Hello, my friends. With the holidays fast-approaching, I want to first wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. This season will likely look different for all of us, and I hope you’re able to find the blessings and the grace in each moment.
Invite the Light
Hello, friends. I’m excited to update you on the latest with my upcoming class, Live Light in Your Home, an online decluttering/life organization class. This daily livestream Zoom class is held throughout the month of October at 10:00 a.m. ET. You’ll re-familiarize yourself with items in your home, clear the clutter and shine a light on those areas of the home that are often ignored.
Start your journey
Choose clarity over clutter and fall in love with your home