Successes from Live Light in Your Home

I recently wrapped up an amazing month with attendees of my Live Light in Your Home - January 2021 online class. What an honor and a privilege it was to collaborate with them and help them on their journey to lighten up their homes and their lives!

Here are a few thoughts shared by class members:

  • I've learned that just because you have space doesn’t mean you need to fill it. It's nice to have negative (open) space.

  • We’re taught to hold onto stuff, that more is better. All of those things make it impossible to focus. It’s much easier to focus and less distracting when you have less things.

  • You fail to know what you’ve got when you have too much clutter. It’s helpful to reacquaint yourself.

  • I’m thinking differently and asking: “Where should this live? Where does this belong? Where should this go?”

  • With fewer things, there are less decisions to make.

  • I learned how to work in small blocks of time and still make progress.

My thanks to the group for their willingness to show up every day and put in the time and effort - y’all are amazing. Keep smiling, laughing and sharing your light with others!

P.S. I plan to offer another Live Light in Your Home 31-day decluttering class in April. Join me to learn ways to declutter your home and find balance in your life.


Clear your countertops to clear your mind


Live Light tip #3: Create a vision board