
Tips, tricks, and ideas to reference for a simpler, stress-free life

Organize, Take action Shannon Loe Organize, Take action Shannon Loe

It’s A-okay to throw away

Remember the days of 35mm film and cameras that were only a camera, not a phone, computer, and camera all rolled into one? Back then, when you took a picture, you hoped it was in focus, everyone in the shot was looking at the camera, and nobody's eyes were closed but had to wait until the roll of film was processed to find out. And once the film was developed, instead of immediately tossing the blurry pictures or the shots you didn't like, you stuck the whole stack back into the paper envelope and threw them in a box, container, or drawer, to be discovered years later. Such is the case for many of us, including some of my clients.

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About Shannon Loe About Shannon Loe

Tearing it up

As a happy minimalist, I don't keep much memorabilia by choice. I'm not a heartless robot - I just appreciate things/objects as they happen in the present moment and don't tend to hold onto many things.

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Clarity, Take action, About Shannon Loe Clarity, Take action, About Shannon Loe

2019 is my year of…

For those of you who have been following my blog for the past few years, y'all know I've chosen a word that drives my decisions for the year. Doing so has become a powerful way to incorporate a concept/idea/way of thinking into how I go about living/being/doing/supporting/thriving. 

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Gratitude, About Shannon Loe Gratitude, About Shannon Loe

Gratitude for the past, present, and future

As 2018 comes to a close, I'm so grateful to have announced on January 1 that this was my Year of Confidence, and now I'm proud to declare I feel much more confident as the result of this mantra. Finding and expressing my confidence in everything I do has helped me to remember how strong and empowered I am. I feel more connected to my inner rockstar. I trust my gut instinct more than ever before. 

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Gratitude Shannon Loe Gratitude Shannon Loe

Giving thanks

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday for two very big reasons: 1) its focus is gratitude and 2) there’s no pressure to give or receive gifts. Gratitude and simplicity are two of my core values, all rolled into one big, beautiful holiday spent enjoying a meal with loved ones.

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Save money, Simplify Shannon Loe Save money, Simplify Shannon Loe

How to make do

I read a fascinating article from the Center for the New American Dream on The Art of "Making Do." The author, in her late 30s, and her family had moved to the U.S. from Barcelona six months ago. Recently, her 8-year-old daughter participated her school's science fair. The daughter chose to research and study ladybugs, and she and the author put together a display for the science fair by using materials they had available in their home.

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Shannon Loe Shannon Loe

Navigating guilt

What is it about guilt that makes us hold onto that ugly lamp that great aunt Sarah cherished, when it brings back ill feelings every time you lay your eyes on it? Guilt is such a powerful emotion, capable of turning even the most decisive of individuals into a waffling flip-flopper.

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Declutter, Take action Shannon Loe Declutter, Take action Shannon Loe

Try a MAJOR closet purge

Does this scenario sounds familiar? Your alarm startles you out of bed. You drag yourself into the shower with hopes of becoming more alert. When finished, you stand in front of your clothes hoping a stylish, fashionable outfit will jump out of the closet and onto your body. When you realize this is an impossible feat, you rifle through the enormous pile of clothing on the floor in search of something...anything...that's clean and unwrinkled that you can throw together in a hurry so you're not THAT late for work.

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Take action Shannon Loe Take action Shannon Loe

Get in the habit

Habits are formed when nerve cells that fire together wire together, and creating a new habit takes time. A habit is like walking through grass; the more you walk on the same path, the more the path forms. When you stop, the grass grows back.

Maintaining order and organization is a skill that can be developed and learned, similar to creating a new habit. The more you practice those skills and habits, the easier it becomes to maintain organization.

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Shannon Loe Shannon Loe

The costs of buying in bulk

Nearly every budget-conscious, coupon-clipping website suggests that one of the best ways to save money is by buying in bulk. In many cases, this is true. To a point.

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Feelings Shannon Loe Feelings Shannon Loe

How do I feel?

The question, "How do I feel when I walk into this room?" and your response to the question offer tremendous insight into how your home is affecting you, whether its a negative reaction or a positive one. "How do I feel..." is an open-ended, gentle question intended to delve into areas that lift your spirit versus areas that suffocate and/or frustrate you.

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Take action Shannon Loe Take action Shannon Loe


Sometimes procrastination plays a role in a client’s disorganization. For example, they’ve got a pile of clothing lying on the floor of their closet that they need to take to their tailor for alterations. And that pile has been lying there for weeks or months, and now it’s grown to include other items of clothing that need to be washed, folded and/or hung up.

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Declutter Shannon Loe Declutter Shannon Loe

“I’m never going shopping again!”

I’ve been working with a client who has lived with her husband in their 2000 square foot home for the past 25 or so years. Career pursuits and busy lives meant that home organization fell to the bottom of the list for years and years, but now they’re ready to purge what they don’t want any longer and organize the rest.

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Start your journey

Choose clarity over clutter and fall in love with your home