Gratitude for the past, present, and future
As 2018 comes to a close, I'm so grateful to have announced on January 1 that this was my Year of Confidence, and now I'm proud to declare I feel much more confident as the result of this mantra. Finding and expressing my confidence in everything I do has helped me to remember how strong and empowered I am. I feel more connected to my inner rockstar. I trust my gut instinct more than ever before.
2019 holds much promise for more change and growth. After all, the only constant is change. I haven't yet decided what my mantra will be, but after two years of incredible personal and professional growth brought on, in part, to my Year of Balance and my Year of Confidence, you can be sure I will be tremendously thoughtful when I name 2019.
Here's to an amazing year to come, my beautiful friends. I love y'all big!