How do I feel?
The question, "How do I feel when I walk into this room," and your response to it offer tremendous insight into how your home is affecting you, whether it’s a negative reaction or a positive one. "How do I feel..." is an open-ended, gentle question intended to delve into areas that lift your spirit versus areas that suffocate and/or frustrate you.
Positive responses might include: calm, relaxed, happy, excited, grateful, cozy, free, joyful, creative, light, carefree
Negative reactions might include: scared, overwhelmed, anxious, suffocated, choked, frustrated, exasperated, depressed
What a huge discrepancy between the two reactions! And these are all words my clients have used to describe spaces in their homes, pre- and post-organizing sessions. I don't know about you, but I'd much rather live in a home that feels relaxing, calm, carefree, and joyful versus one in which I feel anxious, exasperated, and depressed.
So how does one shift their space from a negative to a positive response?
Baby steps, my friend. Baby steps. Start by working in one small area to clear out the clutter. Tackle one drawer a day. Doing these things will build your confidence. Trust it'll get easier if you just keep chipping away.
Need help working through the overwhelm? Please reach out. I’d be honored to help.