Tips, tricks, and ideas to reference for a simpler, stress-free life
Are you too busy to read this?
We're in the midst of derby parties, graduation celebrations, Mother's Day gatherings, festivals, and cookouts. Along with these joys come allergies, rain showers, and the seasonal swap-out of our wardrobes. It can feel like a whirlwind for many of us, with so much happening all at once…
Break free from the stuff
Researchers at the Center on Everyday Lives and Families (CELF) at UCLA discovered a link between clutter and depression. They found that the more stuff in a home, the more stress female homeowners feel. They also found that women associate a neat and tidy home with a happy and successful family.
Home is where the stress is?
How do you feel when you walk into your home at the end of a work day? Does your home feel like a sanctuary - a soft spot to land after you’ve finished a busy day and a stressful commute? Or does it feel like an added stressor that you’d rather run away from?
How to minimize distractions
As your cell phone rings and the television is blaring in the background, you receive a text from your friend who wants to meet you for drinks tomorrow night, but before you can check your calendar and respond, you receive a message via messenger from your sibling asking if you picked up your mom's birthday gift. Meanwhile, an ad for prescription medication drones on and on with an extensive list of potential side effects, and your seven-year-old asks when dinner will be ready, and you realize you haven't given dinner any thought.
Let’s do this
When a client contacts me for help with an organizing project, they’ve often tried many times to get organized and haven’t been successful. By the time I speak with them, they’re frustrated, overwhelmed, and feel hopeless that they’ll ever get organized.
Start your journey
Choose clarity over clutter and fall in love with your home